Elizabeth LaKamp
Star Quality Vocalist, Entertainer & Songwriter
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As an entertainer I love just about every aspect of creativity. I find myself dabbling in different types of fun activities and meet a lot of interesting people along the way. This page is created to share some of the other entertaining things I get to do and the people I've met on my life journey.
You will find the site links to other types of artistry, entertainers, entrepreneurs, and people with a passion for what they do.
If you patronize their business please let them know I sent you!

Craig Skaggs Illustration & Design - I was the cover model for this cover painting over 10 years ago. With 30 + years as an artist and designer, Craig is multi talented. Currently he is a medical illustrator as well as an independent contractor for several companies. He has never been given a challenge he couldn't create a design for or a deadine he couldn't meet. His work just keep geting better and better and it's amazing what he can create with a paint brush! Check out some of his work here: http://www.coroflot.com/craigart