Elizabeth LaKamp
Star Quality Vocalist, Entertainer & Songwriter
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"Music is my therapy. No matter how I feel on my way in to a gig, on my way out
I am always on cloud nine!”
Elizabeth LaKamp

My Experience
I am an former Activity Director and a former Social Services Director, both in senior living settings. Yet I have always admired the career choice of becoming a Music Therapist. I respect anyone who sacrifices years of their life to get a college degree. I went to college as well, but I didn't get that title. As a single mother of four my life didn't allow me the time nor the finances to attend a four year college . However, there is nothing in me that doesn't believe music therapy is exactly what I have been doing since I began singing for folks in 1997. God gave me a talent to share and that is what I do. I make a difference with what I have learned through making music and bringing joy to others through it for all of these years. As the bible story goes, He promotes those who use their talents. Every day I am grateful that I was chosen for this and I gladly share this gift!
"Weve noticed that for at least a day afterwards, several of our patients are actually more well, their spirits are a bit higher, they're a little bit calmer, happier. I think that's the true therapy of it all."
Tricia O'Leary, Head of Vale House Nursing Home
Some of the most rewarding shows I do are for people with alzheimers and dementia.
It's such a joy to see the light come back into their eyes. It's as if music opens a window
into their past and they get a breath of fresh air.
A Song for your Senior
If you have an elderly loved one who would benefit from music, leave your contact info and we can talk about a good time for me to call and sing them a song.
This is a free service but I'd love your positive reviews! It will help to grow my online presence.
If you live in the St Louis area and would like to hire me to come sing for your homebound senior I would love to add joy to their day! Weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly options available as well.
Never Underestimate the Power of Song. My True Story.
Throughout my years of entertaining I've known that sharing music has made a difference and added joy to those I sing for, if only for a moment. This past summer though, a wonderful experience helped me to see its longterm impact firsthand.
An elderly family member was very, very, ill and spent months in the hospital. On one day in particular we went to visit and she was worse than we had ever seen her. In fact, she looked to be near death. It was such a sad moment to see that this once vibrant, positive and spirited woman had now become skin and bones lying in bed, barely responsive to the family she most loved. We tried everything to get her to converse but she was at the point of not trying anymore.
Then we started playing and singing the songs I keep on my phone that I sing for seniors. After a few songs her toes began to move, then her hand began to keep time, several songs later she was mouthing the words, etc. She just kept getting better! By the time we left she was singing with us
as well as talking and making sense. We were just so thrilled!
Sharing the music she loved was the first in a series of things that happened that week which turned her around. She is now home and doing extremely well. We couldn't be happier to still have her in our lives!
The above statements are representative of my years of entertaining for senior citizens. Taken from You Tube, they are not my own but
I couldn't agree more.